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Powerful beings that influence all things within Ard Al-Mi'ad and the connected planes. Although the definition of Gods can be fluid, they are immortal beings of immense power and purpose. Several beings qualify as deity, depending upon your point of view.

  • The Ra-elm-dûhn are a triumvirate collective of sun gods, Sha-El, Koh-El and Ada-El
  • Kâzon is known as the Trickster God and the Evening Star
  • Let is a largely unknown deity that used to be a part of the fae, before coming into her own power and allying with Kâzon
  • The Ur-Kal-Dûhn are known as The Wandering Gods
  • The fae, particularly The Crones, the Queens, and the Ladies
  • Sheer Gur Khan, god of the Rakshasa
  • Apep would fain claim it, as leader of the Dragons, and has attempted to lay claim to having had a hand in the creation of humanoidanity as servitor races.
  • Bast as goddess of the Tabaxi
  • Anubis as goddess of the Nubians
  • The Elven Pantheon, as worshipped by the Sadiki and spurned by the Mokattam

In addition there is evidence of powerful demons at play in the area, most notably Atlach-Natcha

gods.1580293709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 05:28 by evilgm